Monitor Birds

Monitor birds

A number of bird species live in the Eastern Bays. Many native birds are vulnerable to introduced predators, therefore monitoring bird populations can determine how predator control is altering the species composition and abundance of birds.    

5MBC's take place over a three-week period in May and October each year. Keep a check on our event calendar or Facebook page for our next round of bird monitoring. 

Bird Count Instructions Oct 24.pdf

Bird Count Instructions

See our bird count instructions above for how to take part in the next round of 5MBC's.

Datasheet - 5MBC.pdf

5MBC Monitoring Form

See our bird count monitoring form to fill out during the next round of bird monitoring or submit your bird count using our online form.


Bird Identification

See the NZ garden bird survey bird identification guide for help identifying birds.

You can also learn to identify birds using DOC's online course.